Motivational Institute of Hypnosis
Invites you to a
Bring your own food and drinks, and we’ll bring the fun.
Thursday July 15th, from 6:00 – 7:00PM PST
“Compatibility Profiling”
Tyson Kennedy
Please join us for this fun-filled, informative evening.
Learn a deeper understanding of why we or others behave in certain ways.
Do you want to improve relationships in your life? Compatibility Profiling enables you to flourish in every relationship you have.
In this presentation, you will walk away with a better understanding of how to interact with everyone in your life: your family, friends, business associates, and romantic partnerships.
Traditional therapy most often assumes we are broken and need to be fixed. Compatibility Profiling assumes we are exactly where we are supposed to be…our genuine authentic selves.
Profiling is the process by which we learn to accept diversity in others’ creative expressions. Developed by Larry Bryam at Higher Alignment Institute for Spiritual Partnership, he believes there are seven personal characteristics or behavior patterns, and each of us possesses three in various order.
By becoming aware of our three personal characteristics or behavior patterns, and those of others, we can better honor our genuine authenticity and that of another person without being triggered by our differences.
Profiling is another way to describe compatibility factors and creative preferences that are aligned with our inner truth. A basic understanding of the seven behavior patterns can support us in building a sense of cooperation so we can be present with others in a co-creative process.
Once we accept our similarities and differences, we become neutral in our reaction to others. The more we recognize compatibility factors, the less we will take the reactions or responses of others personally.
By tapping into our own creative expressions and acknowledging others for theirs, we begin the process of being our true authentic selves and allow others to be who they are as well. These are the principles of Higher Alignment.
(Read more about Tyson Kennedy’s work below.)
My intention for having these events is to bring a community of like-minded and like-hearted people together.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at our Inspirational ‘Happy’ Hour.
When: Thursday, July 15th from 6:00 – 7:00PM PST
Zoom: Click here to join meeting!
Where: From the comfort of your own home.
Invite friends and spread the abundance.
Tyson Kennedy
My name is Tyson Kennedy. I’ve been a “self-help” junkie ever since my divorce many years ago. I was in relationship recovery, lost, and feeling broken. Everything I read and every therapist I visited offered good information—invaluable really—but change came at a snail’s pace. Yet, once I began the study of Profiling at Higher Alignment in Boulder, Colorado, everything changed in my life, and the pace of self-growth accelerated.
I’ve used Profiling in everything from jury selection, couple challenges, and human resources, selecting the right people for the right job. As a relationship coach, my specialty and passion are helping people understand their likeness and their differences by building upon that to create greater happiness.
Please join me on July 15th.
You can contact Tyson at: [email protected] .