Everything We Need Is Already in Us…
The mind is like a parachute; it only functions when it’s open. Kevin Costner, one of Hollywood’s iconic actors, is known for his memorable roles in Dances with Wolves, The Bodyguard, Field of Dreams, Yellowstone, and many more. However, few know that[…]
Creating New Year’s Resolutions That Stick…
New Year’s is a time for reflection, goal setting, and making resolutions. Many people use this period to create positive changes in their lives, and hypnosis can be a powerful tool to help with this process. Hypnosis is a state[…]
The Odd Couple and Its Blessings…
After losing his parents, Roscoe, a 3-year-old orangutan, was so depressed he wouldn’t eat and didn’t respond to medical treatment. The vets thought he might die from sadness. The zookeepers found an old, sick dog on the park grounds where[…]
A Special Gift of Wisdom and Acceptance…
“The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.” ~ Oprah Franz Kafka, at age 40, who had never married and had no children, was walking through a park in Berlin when he noticed a little[…]
It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood…
Have you ever wondered why we often find ourselves in the same situation with different people playing the same role? That’s because we haven’t learned to fully let go of past conditionings. It’s important to learn from our past to[…]
Healing Your Inner Child
Have the courage to release the past and the wisdom and strength to embrace the present. I taught a Self-Hypnosis training for weight loss many years ago. Each student was assigned to create a recording with positive affirmations. Several weeks[…]
Embrace Your Truth – Not Someone Else’s…
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer In my hypnotherapy practice, I coach my clients to create their future by moving toward their goals, looking forward to what’s ahead in[…]
Releasing Constraints of the Past…
There is a famous folk tale about the power of belief, a story about Elephants and the Rope. Have you ever wondered why elephants, these massive animals, are held by nothing more than a small rope tied to their front[…]
Your Thoughts Create Your Reality…
“The Chain of habits and thoughts are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” (Samuel Johnson 1709-1784) We often look at habits as negative behaviors, yet we don’t always recognize the good habits[…]
Finding Your Happy Place…
Have you ever noticed that a positive attitude is infectious? Life is a series of hurdles and unforeseen circumstances. Often, the only aspect we can manage is our response. We shape our destiny daily, and most of the hardships we[…]
The Metaphor of a Flower
Through adversities, our greatest gifts of growth and opportunities are discovered… The lotus flower is one of the most stunning and ancient flowers representing the deepest symbol of growth. It grows in muddy, murky waters sucking in nutrients while using[…]
The Rewards of Giving
“The secret to living is giving.” ~ Tony Robbins Many of us look for happiness by trying to create it. We scramble around seeking and searching…yet it doesn’t always display itself in the form we seek. Sometimes, all we need[…]
Visit the Human Library…
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Did you know there are libraries where you can borrow a person instead of a book? This project, the Human Library®, is a library of people in the true[…]
A Great Reminder…
Never leave personal development to randomness. At age 23, Tina Fey was working at a YMCA. At age 23, Oprah was fired from her first reporting job. At age 24, Stephen King worked as a janitor and lived in a[…]
Being a Good Neighbor…
“If we are to have true peace in the world, we must first find it within ourselves.” ~ Madisyn Taylor Can you recall a time someone was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time that you[…]
You’ve Got To Be Taught…
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see.” ~ Mark Twain I am intrigued by this non-profit Funny Farm Rescue and Sanctuary in New Jersey, which provides a home for animals with special needs and[…]
It’s Annual Weight Gain Season…
(This message doesn’t apply to everyone, but for those who can relate, please continue reading. It’s eye-opening.) Did you know October is the official start of the weight gain season? Yikes!! Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. Scientific[…]
Talking to Kids While They’re Asleep…
Every message we receive at the subconscious level is perceived as the absolute truth. This is the time of year when children are either starting or returning to school; they may experience some excitement and often trepidation based on the unknown[…]
The Wonders of Sauerkraut for Burns
I’ve always been interested in natural remedies and informative facts; that’s why I include the Did You Know column in our monthly newsletter. I am now going to include a Did You Know in this blog. Valuable information about sauerkraut:[…]
Take Your Past Out of Your Future…
“I don’t live in my past, but my past live in me.” ~ Sol Fineblum You’re not your old story! Never allow the pain of your past to speak louder than the promise of your future. Your brain doesn’t know[…]
Releasing Invisible Barriers…
People, just like goldfish are sometimes limited by invisible barriers? For those that have had goldfish, the average bowl size is anywhere between 8-10 inches. Did you know that if you emptied the goldfish into a large pond, they will[…]
It’s All Made Up in Our Mind…
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” ~Dali Lama Things aren’t always as they appear. We live in the feeling of our thinking, not the feeling of our circumstances, as it’s all based on our perception[…]
Know Your Worth…
Friends come and go, you never know what they do to you, but they do change you… Have you ever held on to something or someone but weren’t ready to let go and move on? Well, you’re not alone. As[…]
Is Your Self-Doubt Monster Rearing its Ugly Head?
The worst enemy of success is self-doubt. Has self-doubt ever stopped you from doing something you longed to do? Whether you want to run a marathon, ask for a promotion, start a new business, play an instrument, or even learn[…]
Which Inner Voice Do You Listen To?
How many of you have ever debated within yourself and ended up not listening to your intuition but wished you had? I’m reminded of an episode of the Flintstones where Fred battled between the inner voice of his Angel and Devil. This[…]
Celebrating Belly Laughing Day…
Get fired up, laugh, release and get ready for a fresh new perspective and expand your view on what is possible for yourself and our world. Global Belly Laugh Day is a holiday observed annually on January 24th at 1:24 p.m. (your[…]
Banking on Your Future…
The biggest return on your investments is in yourself. Imagine that you had won the following prize in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use…However, this prize had rules, just as all[…]
How Would You Respond?
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change… A chef’s daughter complained to her dad that her life was hard and that she didn’t know how to get through her struggles. She often[…]
Put Your Oxygen Mask on First…
Putting yourself first means that it may be necessary to say no to someone else so you can say yes to yourself. We have all heard the instructions of an airline attendant reminding us to put our oxygen mask on[…]
You’ve Got To Be Taught…
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see.” ~ Mark Twain I am intrigued by this non-profit Funny Farm Rescue and Sanctuary in New Jersey, which provides a home for special needs and unwanted domesticated[…]
Finding Your Personal Power…
What’s the one limiting belief you have that, if gone, could set your life on fire? The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to protect it, just let it loose and it will defend itself. Believing in yourself,[…]
There Is No Problem Without a Gift in its Hands…
“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” ~Maya Angelou We all get entangled with situations in our life. Most likely, we can maneuver through them on our own while other times they are so intense that we need the support[…]
GPS of Life’s Navigation…
If change is going to happen someday, what do you do to make it happen now? Are you like many of us that binged on Netflix during the pandemic? Was one of your binges The Queen’s Gambit? Although it was only a story, we were[…]
Save a Tree…
We observe Earth Day once a year in April, although imagine what our earth would be like if we observed it daily. Let’s start with saving a tree. Trees provide us with many valuable resources which are often overlooked. Most[…]
Need to be Broken in Order to Glow…
There is no problem without a gift in its hand. A woman standing in a long check-out line at a Dollar Store was watching a mom and her two kids in the aisle next to her. The oldest child, a[…]
Find Strength From Adversity…
“You can’t always control the cards that are dealt in life…but you can control how you play them.” Never allow the opinions of others to affect the trajectory of your life. A simple shift in attitude can help you recognize the hidden[…]
Your Gifts Are Inside of You…
There are no greater obstacles than your own self-imposed limitations. I want to share this amazing story of the bumblebee. There is a poster of a Bumblebee hanging at the NASA Space Science Center that says: “The aerodynamic body of[…]
Put Yourself on Your List of Priorities…
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about taking the time to dance in the rain. We are a culture of multi-taskers, always rushing around to get things done, often forgetting to notice the beauty of what’s evolving right in[…]
Take the Past Out of Your Future…
A year from now you will wish you had started today. Eight years ago, someone asked me where I saw myself 5 years from then; without hesitation, I said “I don’t know specifically what I’ll be doing, but I do[…]
Take the Past Out of Your Future…
A year from now you will wish you had started today. Eight years ago, someone asked me where I saw myself 5 years from then; without hesitation, I said “I don’t know specifically what I’ll be doing, but I do[…]
A Doorway to Forgetfulness…
Are you always forgetting things around the house? It might be the ‘Doorway Effect’ We’ve all done this before – walked into a room in our home and forgot why we went there in the first place. You either[…]
Weathering the Storm…
“Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.” ~Abraham Lincoln Due to the recent severe weather, many flights across the country had to be canceled. As a result, I want to share with you[…]
Carrying The Weight of The World…
Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile. ~ Connor Franta Imagine if you felt as if you carried the weight of the world on your shoulders? That’s what it felt like to Simone[…]
Deleting The “F” Word…
What great things would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail? As a partner in your success, I’d like to launch this day as another day of higher achievement and introduce you to today’s power thought, which helps to[…]
We All Want the Same Thing…
Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up. Did you know that there are libraries where you can borrow a person instead of a book? This project, the Human Library®, is in the true sense of the[…]
Breaking Down Invisible Barriers…
Do not let your past define your future. During a research experiment a marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small bait fish into the tan. The shark quickly swam around and ate[…]
New Beginnings: Turning Your Dreams into Your Reality…
Believe in the possibilities of your dreams. What version of yourself do you want to be? Becoming that person is at the heart of your personal power. Visualize it; feel the energy, and vibrate with it…then the possibility of you[…]
Creating Significance…
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world, it’s in being able to remake ourselves.” ~ Gandhi How are you planning on creating a new you? Now that almost 100,000,000 Americans have been[…]
What Stories Do You Keep Telling Yourself?
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” ~ Maya Angelou We’ve all experienced times when our mind plays tricks on us. It’s as if we’re walking around with a magician in our head.[…]
Becoming a Better Version of Yourself…
If your life is a book, and you are the author, how would you write your story? What are the stories that are driving you? Are they steering you in the direction of where you want to be going? Or[…]
Someday is Not A Day of the Week…
It’s never too late to be all you can possibly be. The story below is a reflection of living one’s life fully without regret. (Published by Dan Clark) …The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged each[…]
Owning Your Personal Power…
“The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live.” ~ Norman Cousins The positive attitude one takes toward life’s challenges and opportunities, both large and small, enables a person to endure[…]
The Special Gift
“The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.” ~ Oprah At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, was walking through a park in Berlin when he noticed a little girl[…]
Lead with Compassion…
“Fight for the things you care about; but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” ~ Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Today’s[…]
When Someone Says No…Say Next
Listen to your inner voice, not the voice of skeptics. – In 1964 four nervous musicians played their first record audition. The executives weren’t impressed telling them; “We don’t like your sound, and guitar groups are on their way out.”[…]
What Would My Mom Think of That?
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ~ Aesop At a cross-country race in 2012 Kenya’s Olympic steeplechase bronze medalist Abel Mutai was confused with the signage and stopped just short of the finish line thinking[…]
Building Your Home…
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” ~ Winston Churchill An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plan to leave the house-building business to live a more leisurely life with his wife and[…]
We Are Living in 2020 Hindsight…
We need to let go of who we used to be to become the person we want to be. How many of you were looking forward to this new decade of 2020? It was an exciting opportunity to reset and[…]
A Brand-New Kind of You
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose…all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” ~ Helen Keller We have all been experiencing a huge shift in our lives. We were shaken and rattled. Over the past[…]
Ways to Fortify Your Immune System
Below are some powerful techniques to support your immune system. Most are from Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine, (more of which will be taught in our next training in Energy Psychology). These techniques are easy to apply and are beneficial[…]
Giving Is Receiving…
“The secret to living is giving.” ~ Tony Robbins Many of us look for happiness by trying to creating it. We scramble around seeking and searching…yet, it doesn’t always display itself in the form in which we seek. Sometimes[…]
There is Strength in Numbers…
We stand stronger with the support of others. “In a rural area a farmer was tending to his horse named Buddy, and along came a stranger who desperately needed the farmer’s help. The stranger had lost control of his vehicle[…]
I Am Who I Am Because of Who We All Are
“If we are to have true peace in the world, we must first find it within ourselves.” ~ Madisyn Taylor Ubuntu Story – An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit[…]
Use Your Life As a Classroom…
Your greatest mistake becomes your best teacher. As 2019 comes to an end and we begin moving forward into a new decade, it’s important to rid ourselves of the old baggage that we’ve been carrying around. This gives you the[…]
Be the Hero of Your Story
A few weeks ago, I gifted myself with a trip to Fiji for training in Life and Wealth Mastery through the Tony Robbins foundation. I didn’t know what to expect, so I went with an open mind; yet I had[…]
There Is No Problem Without A Gift In Its Hands…
“If we all did the things we are capable of we would astound ourselves.” ~ Thomas Edison Your thoughts, when combined with desire, create your world. Whatever you think about and have strong feelings for will manifest in your life. Continue[…]
Release the Invisible Chains
The only limit to your success is made up in your imagination. We can all learn from this profound, yet unfortunate, story… Have you ever noticed that circus elephants have a thin metal chain around one leg that’s connected to[…]
Free Yourself From Self-Doubt…
The biggest risk you take in life is not taking one. Has self-doubt ever stopped you from doing something you’ve longed to do? Does that little voice keep nagging you, perhaps with thoughts that you’re not good enough…? Whether you[…]
Balancing Your Stress
“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” ~ Lou Holtz Did you know that 20,000,000 Americans suffer annually from chronic pain and other health issues due to stress? Did you also know that[…]
Know Your Value
Love yourself first, because that’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with. A well known speaker started off his seminar of 200 attendees by holding up a $20 bill, and asked, “Who would like this $20?” Hands[…]
What Can You Let Go of Without Losing a Thing?
In our inner lives we build houses with many rooms that we keep carefully locked…. You know the rooms. Ask yourself if what you’ve placed there is still serving you by remaining locked away? I invite you to go into[…]
Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal, Begin to Live It Now…
If a picture can paint 1000 words imagine what joyfulness paints in your heart. Peace of mind arrives the moment you make peace with what’s on your mind. It happens when you let go of the need to be anywhere but[…]
By Changing Your Story You Change Your Life…
“The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” ~Tony Robbins “Hey everyone, my name is Donald. I want to share two major events that impacted my life… In middle school[…]
Putting Yourself on Your List of Priorities…
Be kind to yourself…because wherever you go—there you are. When flying, in preparation for taking off the flight attendant always reminds us that during an emergency to put on our own oxygen mask before we help anyone else with theirs.[…]
Empty The Cup…
There’s a story of a wise old martial arts master who was having tea with a new student to build the teacher-student relationship. The student, who had much training from other teachers, was eager and ready to learn from this[…]
The Weight of the Glass
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” ~ Dalai Lama On the last day of a psychology class, the professor walked up on stage to teach one final lesson which she called “a vital lesson on[…]
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?”
“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” ~Mark Twain Can you recall a time some one was kind to you? Now change the scenario and think of a time that you were kind[…]
ANTS…Automatic Negative Thoughts
We’ve all been riddled with pesky ants; and the only way to prevent them from invading our space is to stop them in their path…the same thing applies with our Automatic Negative Thoughts. Ant colonies have three sects. The scavenger[…]
Discovering Your Soul Signature…
Make life a living meditation…Stop, slow down, and breathe. We often think that thoughts can change our future, but really it’s about changing our energy around the thoughts. We all embody our own unique frequency of energy which Panache Desai[…]
The Courage to Be Fearless…
When you embrace change, you bend, not break. In this busy, life-changing world, we may find ourselves being confronted with challenges that can push us out of our comfort zone, causing us to want to retreat and stay where we[…]
The Lotus Flower…Symbol of Growth
Through adversities our greatest gifts of growth and opportunities are discovered... The lotus flower is one of the most stunning and ancient flowers, representing the deepest symbol for growth on our planet. It grows in muddy, murky waters sucking in[…]
Own Your Power…
"You can’t reach for what is in front of you until you let go of what’s behind you." One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go—whether it’s guilt, anger, love, or loss. Change is never easy, but[…]
The Paradox of Our Time in History
On April 20, 1999 we were all shocked by the Columbine Shootings. Below is a poem written by one of their students. “The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways,[…]
How I Learned to Give by Receiving…
I am fortunate to be blessed with a large extended family, and we are all grateful to have each other in our lives. When I was 16, I was visiting the East coast for a wedding and family gathering. One[…]
Embrace Silence…
“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you” ~ Deepak Chopra Make time to shift gears and quiet your mind. For only in that silence are we able to truly hear the voice of our own[…]
What Does Happiness Look Like?
When you change from the inside, everything on the outside changes… You have within you all the elements of a happy life. You may not know how to create this, but something inside of you does; the answer is within[…]
Be the Best Version of Yourself… Changing Your Perspective Changes Your Life
“When you hold on to your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.” -TD Jakes When did you last look into your “magical” mirror to see yourself the way that others truly see you? You’ll be surprised[…]
Boost Your Memory and Brainpower…
“There is no problem without a gift in its hands.” Want to remember something? Just make a fist!!! Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car at the airport, shopping center, or elsewhere? Or you forgot someone’s name right[…]
Gratitude…Take a Moment and Reflect
Gratitude…Take a Moment and Reflect “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.” ~Mother Teresa Whenever I work with a client, I begin the session by having them think of at least five things they are[…]
The Beauty of Human Kindness
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ~Aesop Imagine a stick…by itself it can be weak; yet if broken into many pieces and bundled together they become strong. Within the last month we’ve all watched, and/or[…]
Life Is To Be Celebrated…Replace the Meaningless With Meaningful
“The greatest discovery is that humans can alter their lives by altering their minds.” ~ William James As we get older we learn to value our time, genuine relationships, meaningful work, and peace of mind. Our thoughts become quieter,[…]
Don’t Let Unhappy Be Your Happy Place…
Have you ever noticed that a positive attitude is infectious? Life is full of obstacles and uncontrollable events, and in many situations the only thing we can control is the attitude with which to respond. We create our destiny every[…]
Are You Really Listening?
(Recapped Article from Marc Chernoff) This past December a busy attorney named Valentina and her 10-year-old son, Marco, moved into their new home in New England. The morning after they moved a massive snowstorm swept through closing all the schools.[…]
Hi, It’s Me, Your Subconscious Mind…
“Dear Conscious Mind, We Need to Talk!!!” …I’m having a problem with what you’ve been feeding me. I mean–those negative thoughts of self-doubt. And what about the stories you tell yourself of limitations or even scarcity? …And then there’s the[…]
Trapped in the Isolation of Our Mind…
“There is a story behind every person. There is a reason they are the way they are. Respect them for who they are.” ~Marc and Angel Like many fairy tales, there are underlying messages within the story; and that too[…]
The Best Revenge -> LIVE LIFE WELL
Last week my 3-year-old grandson Ollie came to my house to play. He immediately asked to listen to the song “Let it Go” from the movie “Frozen.” I’ve heard the song before, but I had never really heard it. I[…]
In One Word – Who Are You?
Here are some questions to ponder: What would you do differently if you knew no one would be judging you? What’s something that no one can ever take from you? What’s the most valuable life lesson you learned from a[…]
Flip the Switch…and Rewrite Your Script!
A person who is at peace is someone who always approaches each situation with an empowering attitude. Life is full of events and circumstances—some are good and some are overwhelming and unmanageable. Regardless of the situation, the only thing we[…]
The Emergence of a Butterfly…
When does helping someone hinder one’s growth, and when do we need to reach out and offer a hand? I was taking a walk the other day with my grandson Ollie who was about to turn 3. He noticed a[…]
The Bank…
Make Your Blessing Count by Counting Your Blessings. Imagine that you had won the following prize in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize had rules just as any[…]
It’s Never Too Late…
“A tree as big around as you can reach, starts with a small seed; a thousand-mile journey starts with one small step.” ~Lao Tse It’s never too late to start something new, but we’ve all heard ourselves say, “I don’t[…]
Open the Doorway to Your Future…
Every dream begins with a thought. Imagine yourself successfully accomplishing a future goal…something that you’ve had a longing to achieve—a yearning, an internal search for personal growth. Take a moment now and listen to the soft whisper of your inner[…]
House of 1,000 Mirrors
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” ~Winston Churchill I want to share this story about The House of 1000 Mirrors (Japanese folktale). Long ago in a far away village, there was a place known as the[…]
How Hypnosis Changed My World…My Story
How Hypnosis Changed My World…My Story In 1975 I was living in Tucson, Arizona. I had just completed my Master of Science degree, and was working as a Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf. I wanted a change and decided to[…]
Never Let Your Actions Be Influenced by Your Fears…
Did you know that public speaking is the #1 fear? It can stem from various insecurities, including speech problems that could have a huge impact on your confidence making you extremely uncomfortable when speaking publicly. Here are some celebrities who[…]
Life Has No Remote…Get Up and Change It Yourself
It’s not what you say to everybody else that determines your life – it’s what you whisper to yourself every day that has the greatest power. Have you ever been in search for answers in your life but not sure[…]
What Love Means
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4- to 8-year-olds: “What does love mean?” The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think. “Love is what’s in[…]
What Are the Stories You Tell Yourself?
Satchel Paige (MBA pitcher and inductee into the National Baseball Hall of Fame) once asked this question, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” I have often wondered why some children are more cautious[…]
Life Doesn’t Always Turn Out The Way You Plan!!!
…and that can be a good thing. “If it did turn out the way I had planned, my 14-year-old self would have destined me to be living in the Swiss Alps, making cheese, and married to Keanu Reeves. My lack[…]
The Power of Forgiveness
This story reminds me of the significance of our words and actions. There was a young boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper,[…]
Have You Ever Wondered What Makes You, You?
Become one with your magnificence. Wherever you go…there you are. A lot of us have lost ourselves in being who we think we’re supposed to be, or living based on how others think we should be. Now is the time[…]
Invisible Barriers…Goldfish Patterns
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!! A while back while cleaning a goldfish bowl, I decided to put the goldfish in a small pond in my yard. I figured that the goldfish would love the freedom to[…]
Be the Full Expression of Your Authentic Self…
“Man’s mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) I am always impressed by the qualities and characteristics of successful people. We’ve all heard the phrase “If you want to get[…]
You Are Not Your Thoughts; They’re Made Up Anyway…
Have you ever watched a seagull attack an owl figurine perched on top of a building? The purpose of these owls is to ward off pigeons since they are afraid of owls. But what about other birds – why aren’t[…]
Change Isn’t Hard… It’s the Fear of Change That Really Stops Us
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer In my hypnotherapy practice I coach my clients to create their future by moving toward their goals and looking forward to what’s ahead[…]
Labyrinth: A Metaphor of Life’s Journey…
“Man’s mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 – 1894) Inherent within the design of the labyrinth is its archetypical power, dating back some 4,000 years. It’s a sacred geometrical[…]
Lose Yourself in the Journey
“Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and[…]
Your Thoughts Create Your Reality…
“The chain of habits and thoughts are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” ~Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) Then the brain magnetizes dominating thoughts which we hold in our mind. Situations and circumstances that[…]
The Magnetic Nature of the Mind
“We magnetize into our lives whatever we hold in our thoughts” ~Richard Bach Have you ever thought of someone whom you hadn’t seen or heard from in months or even years, and suddenly they call you or you run into[…]
Who Am I?
I am your greatest companion. I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. I am your best friend or greatest enemy. Half[…]
5 Great Wonders of the Mind
1) You have the ability to control what you think about from moment to moment and day to day. If you’re not content with the thoughts running through your mind, just stop them! Flip the switch! Focus on creating positive thoughts[…]
Feeling Rundown? Try Laughing and Just Have Fun!
Have you ever watched in amazement a baby laugh uncontrollably? You wonder what’s so funny, yet it becomes contagious and you begin to giggle and laugh with them. A baby’s uncontrollable laughter is so beautifully organic and is one of[…]
How to Break a Bad Habit For Good
Willpower doesn’t always work!! Almost all of us have bad habits that we have tried to break but can’t—that’s because we have relied on willpower alone. Willpower can be effective, but it is like a muscle that grows fatigued after[…]
The Beginner’s Mind
There is an old Japanese story about a businessman and a Japanese monk: An extremely successful CEO from an internationally acclaimed company went to visit a monk at a Japanese Zen Buddhist temple while on a trip to Japan. He wasn’t[…]
The Power of Your Thoughts
The key to your success lies in your particular manner of thinking. You create everything in your life right now through the power of your mind. Thoughts are based on an idea, an image that is recorded at the subconscious[…]
6 Medical Problems Hypnosis is Proven to Help
Published in the print version as “Hypnosis: It’s Not Hooey!” By Marc I. Oster, PsyD Hypnosis is a powerful intervention tool that can be used to achieve wellness. Hypnosis-enhanced therapy is a legitimate treatment for various medical problems—and unlike many treatments[…]
Swear At Your Pain – You’ll Feel Better
The Cursing Cure… Richard Stephens, PhD, a lecturer in the School of Psychology at Keele University in England, did a research study on why the readiest words out of our mouths when we’re suddenly in pain usually contain four letters.[…]
Age Increases with Every Day of Our Life…
The fast pace of the world we live in makes us age faster; therefore, it is important to retain our youthful vigor. It is with passion and energy that we can work towards keeping ourselves happy and healthy as we[…]
What Love Means to 4- to 8-Year-Olds
Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4- to 8-year-olds: “What does love mean?” The answers they got were broader and deeper[…]
The Amazing Power of Affirmations
Affirmations are declarations that reflect our view of who we are and what we want. They can be positive and sometimes even negative, as they influence our feelings and thoughts and what actually happens in our lives. Louise J. Hay,[…]
The Future is NOW…Create it!
Are you holding on to part of your past that you need to let go of? Many of my clients seek hypnosis as a solution to finding peace of mind and happiness. They are stuck in life, blaming everything on[…]
Healing and the Mind
(Excerpts: By Anne H. Spencer, Ph.D) Lilly Tomlin once said, “When I speak to God, they call it prayer. When God speaks to me, they call it schizophrenia!” Three decades ago I told my clients that they could talk to[…]
Sell Your Smile…Even to Yourself
We don’t have to wait until we are happy to make ourselves happy…just smile. With the Olympics having just ended, many of us may remember when Gracie Gold, an ice skating metal contender, fell hard after trying to land a[…]
Hypnosis or Coaching…What’s the Difference?
There are many good, hard-working, and talented people who are not experiencing the success they deserve; they feel stuck. They seem to be challenged with creating the best that’s within them, or they just didn’t know where to look. They[…]
How Can Training in Integrative Hypnotherapy Enable You to Improve the Lives of Others?
Hypnotherapy is a form of alternate therapy in which hypnosis (i.e., focused attention, guided relaxation, and intense concentration) is used so that a heightened state of awareness, known as a “trance” can be achieved. This alternative therapy is widely promoted[…]
Self-Confidence and NLP
Self-confidence is an emotional and mental state of mind which responds to our need for self-acceptance and recognition. It’s among the oldest and most studied concepts in psychology. It is used to describe a positive perception of one’s self and[…]
We Are Always Looking for the WOW in Our Life
Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before? Have you ever listened to a motivational trainer and felt so inspired and ready to conquer the world? Yet over the course of a week or two that[…]
There Is No Better Education than Adversity
“Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill There’s a story I like to tell about Enterprise, Alabama’s strange monument that stands in the middle of their small town. The monument is[…]
Offerings of Kindness
While visiting Bali in 2006, I was intrigued by a unique cultural tradition practiced by the Balinese natives of leaving daily offerings to their gods to help ensure prosperity, protection, and good fortune. Small homemade baskets made from banana leaves[…]
Did Kate Middleton Use Hypnosis for Childbirth?
It was widely reported that Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, used a technique called ‘HypnoBirthing’ to ease labor while delivering her new son. The news, whether or not it is true, shines a light on a slightly misunderstood yet brilliant[…]
Perception… Something to Think About
PERCEPTION…Something to Think About On a cold January morning in 2007, on a Washington, DC subway platform stood a man incognito with his violin playing classical music to passersby. Within a few minutes, a man noticed the musician playing. He[…]
Hypnotic Rapport
As you know by now, rapport is a key skill that you will need to master to be a successful hypnotist. Without rapport, your subject will not be open to your hypnotic suggestions and communication. A brief definition of rapport[…]
Law of Imagination…What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.
An 8-year-old girl named Marissa was diagnosed with a degenerative nerve disorder that ultimately places kids in wheelchairs. Her parents as well as her physicians were preparing her to be wheelchair bound, yet Marissa refused to accept this as her[…]
A Hypnotic History of Hypnosis
Evidence of hypnotic-like phenomena appears in many ancient cultures. The writer of Genesis seems familiar with the anesthetic power of hypnosis when he reports that God put Adam “into a deep sleep” to take his rib to form Eve. Other[…]
Strength in Numbers
Now that it’s spring time flocks of birds are beginning to fly north. You may have noticed geese always fly in the formation of a “V”. Each bird flaps their wings creating uplift for the birds immediately following. Flying in[…]
Your Theatre of Change
We often remember past events, good or bad, with what seems to be impeccable accuracy. Whether or not they are entirely accurate is actually beside the point, the really important thing is the emotion that comes along with that memory.[…]
Nice Picture, Wrong Frame
Often in our lives, we tend to make assumptions, jump to conclusions and create associations that not entirely accurate. The bad news is that everyone does this. As the late, great Jim Rohn would say, it’s simply known as “stinkin’[…]
A Royal Hypnosis
Duchess Kate Middleton reportedly turned to hypnosis to end her morning sickness. According to a recent article published in the United Kingdom, Duchess Kate Middleton used hypnotherapy to relieve nausea and morning sickness due to her pregnancy. Kate Middleton was diagnosed with[…]
Emotional Control and Hypnosis
Summary: Does your entire life seems to be run by the way you feel? When you feel great, doesn’t it feel like you can achieve anything? When you feel down, depressed, or negative don’t you feel like nothing is worth[…]
Business Development and Self-Hypnosis
Very few people know that there is a hidden relationship between the success of a business venture and hypnosis. While this may not be that evident, it is actually an integral part of every successful business venture. You may think[…]
Beautiful Houseplants That Clean Indoor Air
Homes and office buildings are being built and remodeled tighter than ever today to save energy. But sealing out drafts can mean sealing in dangerous chemicals such as benzene and formaldehyde, which are off-gassed by many things, from carpet to[…]
Silencing the Inner Chaos
Energy Tip: How to Quiet the Inner Chaos and Increase Your Stamina During the Holidays Does the busyness of holiday shopping, parties, and festivities have you completely stressed or exhausted? Need a little “pick-me-up?” When you get into the overwhelm[…]
Turn Difficulties Into Pearls
Have you ever wondered how an oyster creates a pearl? First a grain of sand falls into it, subsequently it becomes an irritant; the oyster then secretes a special substance that envelops the irritating grain of sand, which then becomes smooth,[…]
Goal Achievement – Why Some Do and Some Don’t
Why Do Some People Achieve Their Goals Where Others Don’t? How many of you have worked toward accomplishing a goal but the motivation and drive to get there began to wean? The reason this happened is not because you didn’t[…]
Saving A Life – Recognizing a Stroke
YOU CAN SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE BY SHARING THIS (This is endorsed by the Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy) STROKE: Remember the 1st three letters… S.T..R … My friend sent this to me…and encouraged me to post it and spread the word.[…]
Which Inner Voice Do You Listen To?
How many of you have ever debated within yourself and ended up not listening to your intuition, but wished you had? I’m reminded of an episode of the Flintstones where Fred battled between the inner voice of his Angel and[…]
The Power of Our Past
How many of you go through life in hopes for a better past? Well, you’re not alone. Our mind stores information and memories based on the reality of our world at the time the memories occur. Information is stored differently[…]
Thank You Spoon Benders!
Hi Everyone, I want to thank everyone who joined us for the Spoon bending event last month. We had an amazing turn-out of over 55 attendees. Not only did people learn how to bend spoons and forks, they also learned[…]
Procrastination into Performance
Create Success by Turning Procrastination into Performance How many of you are masterful at procrastinating, avoiding those things you should be doing with a sense of guilt looming over your head? What we need to do is stop should-ing[…]
Spoon Bending Workshop
“If you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you’re right” This powerful message from Henry Ford still holds true today. The Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy (MIOH) invites you to participate in this interactive event which will help you[…]
Hypnotic Suggestions…
The mind is extremely suggestible and is being bombarded daily with external suggestive stimuli from numerous sources, as well as suggestive thoughts and ideas from inside our mind. These self-hypnotic suggestions you give yourself daily are like a soundtrack re-running[…]
How are you planning to spend your time with your Extra Day on February 29th?
Join us at our Open House Networking Social on Feb. 29th for an evening of demonstrations, laughter and fun. Every 4 years on Feb. 29th we are given an extra day to play; as a result we’re adding a special[…]
Setting Goals for the New Year
As we embark upon 2012 this is an opportunity for us to focus on our desires and goals; to listen to the voice of our truth and align ourselves with our greatest intention. When going through life and traveling in[…]
Techniques to Support Your Immune System
Hi Everyone, During this season we are often exposed to and or challenged with a cold or flu. Below are some the herbal suggestions and techniques to supporting your immune system. They’re easy to apply and are beneficial in enhancing[…]