Our April’s Open House & Social Networking Evening was filled with lots of fun and laughter. I want to thank Wil Dieck for his inspiring presentation on “Ordinary People, ExtraOrdinary Life.” I hope you were captivated with his knowledge, wisdom and insight and that you walked away with many tools on how to create your own Extra Ordinary Life.’
Join us for an inspiring and motivational presentation. Our presenter, Wil Dieck, will share with you researched methods of how to snap into a peak performance state and get twice as much done with half the effort. His presentation will be based on his book “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Life: The Convergence of Mind, Body and Spirit” using techniques and processes from ancient martial arts philosophy, social psychology, NLP, and hypnotherapy.
For over a decade, Wil Dieck tried to figure out what makes successful people different, what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. Therefore, he spoke with world class athletes, successful entrepreneurs, Special Forces operators, and black belts from around the world to find out what made them different from “ordinary” people.
He discovered that while most of these people started out pretty much just like everyone else, they achieved at a higher level because of the focus and energy they brought to every task that needed to be done. They could do this because they were able to integrate the power of their mind, body, and spirit in a way that put them into a state of flow.
Using processes and ideas that come from ancient martial arts philosophy, hypnotherapy, NLP, and modern social science, Wil has discovered techniques and processes that nearly anyone can learn to increase their focus and energy. These techniques can be used to slip into the flow and get the most out of every moment, and that’s what he’s going to share with you.
Join us at our Open House for this fun-filled inspirational evening complete with demonstrations, wine, appetizers, networking, raffle prizes (please bring something to raffle), and good company.
There will be plenty of time to network with other professionals who are generally interested in the power of positive thinking. Bring plenty of business cards.
We’re looking forward to seeing you. Be sure to invite friends! Please RSVP with eVite or by emailing me at [email protected].
When: Wednesday, April 19th, from 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Where: 8969 Complex Drive, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92123

Wil Dieck is an executive business and peak performance coach. Over the past 30 years he has helped hundreds of professionals, executives, athletes, and entrepreneurs reach greater levels of performance.
As the founder of Black Belt Breakthroughs, he continues to counsel and train leaders of all levels and from all walks of life, helping them develop the internal drive it takes to bring their personal and professional lives to the next level.
Wil is a successful entrepreneur, executive coach, hypnotherapist, NLP trainer, researcher, master martial arts instructor, college professor, and mindset master. His research has been focused on what makes successful people different, what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. Over the past decade he’s distilled this information into a concept he calls Convergence.
The essence of Convergence is how to get twice as much done with half the effort. Wil helps people accomplish this by teaching them how to snap into a peak performance state. He does this by using tools from ancient martial arts philosophy, social psychological research, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and hypnotherapy.
For more information about Wil, go to: www.BlackBeltBreakthroughs.com