Open House “Happy” Hour
Bring your own food and drinks, and we’ll bring the fun.
Thursday, May 21st, from 5:30pm – 6:30pm
We have three special presentations
Topics: (3 topics – 15 minutes each)
Tap into Your Psychic Ability
Healing Reiki Meditation
Exploring Challenging Emotions as Symptoms of the Soul
Topic 1: Tap into Your Psychic Ability with Reenie Vincent
Tapping into your psychic ability is not just about peering into the future. It’s more about looking deeply into the present for psychic information and insight that is showing up to serve you in the highest realm of your life now. Especially in times of deep uncertainty, your psychic ability can ground and guide you forward to your next step.
One of the most important psychic tools (and the one we’ll learn together) is the ability to answer this question:
Is it my energy or someone else’s?

About your Presenter
Reenie is a psychic healer and Clinical Hypnotherapist; and now blends these two healing modalities to mainly support women and mothers, like herself. In addition to offering psychic and hypnotherapy sessions, Reenie teaches psychic development classes and is launching a new course soon.
Join Reenie’s free Facebook group Psychic Sisterhood to develop your psychic abilities further and to learn more about upcoming events and offerings: You can also email Reenie to book a private session at [email protected].
Topic 2: Healing Reiki Meditation with Martine Wilson
Martine will guide you into a beautiful healing meditation. She describes it as one of her favorites which she uses in her Reiki classes to encourage and facilitate a calming rebalancing of the mind and body. During the meditation she will be sending Reiki to all participants who wish to receive it at that time. Reiki is a form of Life Force Energy that is not restricted by time or space therefore receiving Reiki is possible via physical distance. All one needs is a comfortable quiet place to sit or lie down in order to receive. If that is not possible, Reiki will work anyway and will also, always respect free will.

About your Presenter
Martine Wilson is a Holistic Health Practitioner who practices a number of healing modalities. One of her most requested modalities is a Japanese energy healing technique called Reiki. She has practiced Reiki as a Master since 2006. While Martine has long provided her clients the opportunity for distance Reiki sessions, this has been especially helpful during our current social distancing and shut-down conditions. Additionally, Martine is now offering all levels of Reiki Classes online.
Please contact Martine if you would like to schedule a personalized distance Reiki session at [email protected]. If you would like to learn more about Reiki classes please email or visit our website:
Topic 3: Exploring Challenging Emotions as Symptoms of the Soul with Arianna Zabriskie
We all experience challenging emotions at various points in our lives, but what do we actually learn from these emotions? What are they trying to teach us, share with us, and how they are trying to grow us? This discussion will briefly explore how to sit with one’s uncomfortable moments and discover the opportunity for growth.

About your presenter
Arianna, is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist along with a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology. Arianna offers coaching and traditional therapy from a “conscious lens” where she merges the non-traditional perspectives to the traditional for a more holistic take on mental health. Arianna specializes in forgiveness, healing childhood wounds, and addiction. For more information on Arianna, go to:
Please join us for this experiential, fun-filled evening. We’re looking forward to seeing you at our first Online Open House. Invite friends!
When: Thursday May 21st, from 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: In the comfort of your own home