San Diego Hypnosis

Expand your mind's power.

It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood…

Have you ever wondered why we often find ourselves in the same situation with different people playing the same role? That’s because we haven’t learned to fully let go of past conditionings. It’s important to learn from our past to improve our lives now so that we don’t keep repeating previous mistakes.

Our inner thoughts and feelings influence the way we perceive the world. Dwelling on the past recreates the same negative energy in our body now as it did then, as our brain doesn’t know whether the event happened yesterday or twenty years ago.

Our inner child needs to be championed. Shift happens when we change our thoughts about our past (even traumatic events) from self-blaming to self-healing. We all have an inner voice of wisdom, yet we are often too busy to listen fully. The art of living authentically is learning to listen and act upon our voice of truth.

“Positive thoughts profoundly affect our behavior and genes, but only when they are in harmony with our subconscious programming. However, negative thoughts have an equally powerful effect. When we recognize how these positive and negative beliefs control our biology, we can use this knowledge to create lives filled with health, happiness, peace, and freedom.” ~ Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief.)

Too many people think the answers to happiness are found outside of ourselves. Yet, your happy switch is located inside you. You have a choice to switch it on or keep it off. Happiness isn’t based on your environment or circumstances, so turn on the switch in your quest for happiness. It’s there, waiting to be switched on.

We can all create new possibilities in our lives if we choose. Each moment gives us a crossroads from which to choose. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

“I don’t live in my past, but my past lives in me.” ~ Sol Fineblum

Make kindness a habit.

To Your Success,

Peak Performance Coach

It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood…
It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood…

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